Times New Roman, Courier, Arial, Comic Sans MS, Courier New, Bookman Old Style, etc. are the common font styles that are found in any word processing software. Times New Roman is mostly used for research papers that are written in the MLA and APA styles. Courier New, Arial, Garamond are used in grade school, high school research papers and some websites today. Due to the dynamic world we live in, a lot of people want to use new fonts for uniqueness and style especially in designing their web sites or web pages. An example of a new font is the Harry Potter font loved by Harry Potter addicts. If a person wants to learn how to install a new font, there are a lot of resources found on the Web that they can check out.
There are many fonts that you can download off of the internet. Once the person has picked the font that captured his/her interest, the next thing to research about is how to install the new font in the laptop or the PC. Of course, using search engines such as Google and Yahoo will lead you to various sites offering instructions on how to install a new font.
If Microsoft Windows is your operating system, you will find it easy to install new fonts. Most of the font packages that can be downloaded from the Internet are in .zip files. The files are compressed to have a faster download rate. Unzipped the file first prior to installation.
steps to install a new font are listed below:
1. All open Windows programs or applications must be closed first.
2. Next is to double click on the Control Panel and then select Appearances and Themes.
3. Click on See Also, then Choose Fonts. If a folder tree appears, however, click Folders, and then once See Also appears, choose the category Fonts.
4. Under the File menu, you will see the option: Install New Font. Select that option.
5. Once that option is selected, you will be asked to select a drive.
6. Look in the Folders list and select (double-click) the folder that holds the new fonts that you desire to add.
7. Select the font you have decided to add found in the Fonts List, and once selected, click OK.
Additional Information:
If you have decided to add more than one font, press the CTRL key and hold it down, afterwards then click on al the fonts you want added to your PC. You can also drag the fonts from another location into the Fonts folder to install the new font faster.
If you are planning to use another computer within your Local Area Network (e.g. your PC is malfunctioning so you decided to use the PC of your colleague who is seated beside you) the new fonts you have installed will not appear in your colleague’s PC. You can install the new font into the said PC if you really need to use that specific font.
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